Womb healing
What is a Womb Healing?
Women often carry traumas, regrets, shame, doubts, and guilt in the womb area. Womb Healing is an amazing energy treatment that brings peace and forgiveness, setting us free to go even deeper in our remarkable womanhood journey.
Also known as “Womb Attunement” or “Womb Blessing,” the Womb Healing process is a gift to your soul, an invitation to self-exploration and self-discovery, and a new tool for your healing process. It will help you realize how much you’ve been carrying in the woman region, and heal issues that may be preventing you from living the full potential of your creativity.
A Womb Healing can happen almost anywhere — from the comfort of your home to an isolated park or beach to a holistic center. Combining reflection, ritual, self-care, and celebration, Womb Healing is different for every woman, responding to her needs, concerns, and deeply held wishes.
When should I have a Womb Healing?
A Womb Healing can be helpful at almost any phase of womanhood:
After your first period
In preparation for conception
During pregnancy
After the birth of a child
After a stillbirth
After a miscarriage or abortion
After the end of a relationship or before starting a new one
During the pre- or post-menopausal period
After the loss of a partner
After a hysterectomy
To deal with infertility
After rape
What techniques can be used during a Womb Healing?
Yoga asanas
Chakra alignment
Bach flower remedies
Art therapy
Herbal vaginal sauna
Essential oils therapy
How many times do I need one?
Depends on what you are willing to work on and how deep you are willing to explore each issue. Single sessions, lunar phases sessions and monthly sessions available.
What else do I need to know?
Sessions last a minimum of three hours. The location and length of the sessions will determine how much each visit will cost. In my neighborhood (central New Jersey), a typical session is $180 each for more than 2 sessions, $240 for a single session. For greater distances, travel and commute expenses will be added; for a session in the comfort of your NYC apartment, for example, $80 will be added for travel.